檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1951483
 滌盡塵俗 的日記本
淡淡的思念 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 幸福
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 人生
作者: 滌盡塵俗 日期: 2012.10.24  天氣:  心情:
《I m Yours 》

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it / 是的 我想你真的已經搞定我了
I tried to be chill but you re so hot that I melted / 我想要冷静,但却被火熱的你溶化
I fell right through the cracks / 我就像掉進深淵
]And now I m trying to get back / 现在我試着回神
Before the cool done run out / 在我的酷勁用完之前
I ll be giving it my best test / 我會拼盡全力
Nothing s going to stop me but divine intervention / 除非天意否則我绝不停止
I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some / 我猜我的機會又到了,不是成功就是學到教訓

But I won t hesitate no more, no more / 但我絕不,絕不再猶豫
It cannot wait, I m yours / 不能再等待,我是屬於你的

Well open up your mind and see like me / 敞開心扉,像我一樣來看這個世界
Open up your plans and damn you re free / 别盯着你的計畫,你就會自由
Look into your heart and you ll find love love love love / 直視你的心扉,你會發現那裡充滿了愛
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing with me / 聽著這音樂,大家又跳又唱
We re just one big family / 我們就像一個大家庭
It s your godforsaken right to be loved love loved love love / 這就是被你遺棄--被愛的權力
So I won t hesitate no more, no more / 所以我絕不,絕不再猶豫

It cannot wait I m sure / 不能再等待,我肯定
There s no need to complicate / 這沒什麼好複雜的
Our time is short / 人生苦短
This is our fate, I m yours / 這是我們的命運,我屬於你

D-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-do 你..你..可否
but do you want to com on 但你可否過來一點
Scooch on over closer dear 把你的小屁屁移過來些
and I will nibble your ear 我要跟你說說悄悄話

I ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror / 我已經花了太多的時間對著鏡子檢查自己說話的酷樣
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer / 來回轉身只為能檢查得更仔细一點
My breath fogged up the glass / 我的氣息都霧化了鏡面
And so I drew a new face and laughed / 于是我微笑着在上面畫了個鬼臉
I guess what i ma saying is there ain t no better reason / 我想我要說的就是没有其它更好的理由
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons / 抛開無聊瑣事,一切順其自然
It s what we aim to do / 這就是我們應該做的
Our name is our virtue / 做最真實的自己

But I won t hesitate no more, no more / 但我絕不,絕不再猶豫
It cannot wait I m yours / 不能再等待,我屬於你
Well open up your mind and see like me / 敞開心扉,像我一樣來看這個世界
Open up your plans and damn you re free / 别盯着你的計畫,你就會自由
Look into your heart and you ll find the sky is yours / 直視你的心扉,你會發現另外擁有一片天
So please don t, please don t, please don t / 所以請不要、不要、不要
There s no need to complicate / 把事情複雜化
Coz our time is short / 因為人生苦短
This s this s this is our fate, I m yours / 這、這、這就是我們的命運,我屬於你

瀏覽次數:457    人氣指數:4057    累積鼓勵:180
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