檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2333357
 僑下雨 的日記本
抽地下水引起的地層下陷 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 頁岩油抽取後灌注水填充空隙
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 地下水动力场演化与油气运移聚集
作者: 僑下雨 日期: 2016.09.04  天氣:  心情:
A Study on The Evolution of Hydrodynamics, The Migration and Accumulation
of Oil and Gas in The Songliao Basin
Lou Zhanghua
1 Gao Ruiqi
and Cai X iyuan
1 ( Department of Ear th Sci ence, Zheji ang Univ ersit y, Hangzhou 310027)
2 ( Ex ploration Bureau , CN PC, Beijing 100724)
3 ( Daqing petroleu m Ad ministrati on Bu reau, Daqing 163000)
1 高瑞祺
2 蔡希源
1(浙江大学地球科学系 ,杭州 310027) 2(中国石油天然气总公司勘探局 ,北京 100724)

The hydro dy namics field in the So ngliao basin is o bvio usly asymmetrical w ith the characteristics of
g rav ity-induced centripetal flow recharged by meteoric w ater mainly in its no rthern region, centrifug al
flow and cross-forma tional flow in the basin center area, g roundw ater discha rg ed by cross-fo rmatio nal
flow and evaporation in its southern a rea, a nd meteoric w ater permea ting dow nw ards o nly along the
basin rim a nd uplifted areas locally and unabiding ly. Centrifugal flow caused by mudstone-compacted
w ater is the main dynamic force which induces the petroleum mig ratio n and accumula tio n in the Song liao
basin. Paleohydrogeolog ic cycles and centrifugal flow stages induced the mig ration by stag es and stepmannula
r distribution of oil and gas in an independent hydrodynamic system. Multidepressio ns fo r the
So ng liao basin w ould hav e dev elo pped sev eral hydrodynamic sy stems. Of w hich tw o ma jo r o nes are located
at the Sanzhao a nd Qijia-Gulo ng depressino ns, and they made up a double step-annular distributio n
o f oil and gas in the Songliao basin. Inside are multirings of oil, which a re encapsula ted by uncontinuous
natural ga s po ols. All of them are concentric with their depressio ns mainly due to symmetric and co ncentric
centrifugal flow.
Key Words hydrodynamics mig ratio n a nd accumula tion o f oil and gas Song liao basin
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抽地下水引起的地層下陷 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 頁岩油抽取後灌注水填充空隙