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2017-0108 聯合報 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 菲律賓對美國中國政策投下炸彈
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篇名: 巴士海峽戰略地位愈來愈重要
作者: 僑下雨 日期: 2016.09.06  天氣:  心情:

巴士海峽中菲律賓人佔有三分之二廣,其中的菲律賓巴丹群島省(Province of Batanes)又譯巴坦群島省,是菲律賓最北方,同時也是最小的一個省份,全境位於巴丹群島上,南距呂宋島162公里,北距台灣島190公里,屬卡加延河谷大區。首府巴士古自治市位於巴丹島上。該省面積209.3平方公里,人口16,467(2000年)。

新石器時代時,大約有1000名Ivatan部落的居民散居在此,它們是南島語系的一分支,以農耕及漁獵為生,會釀造一種名為palek的甘蔗酒,以黃金為貨幣,與其北方的台灣或南方的卡加焉進行貿易。他們在此建了牢固的定居地,這些定居地被稱作「Idiang」, 字根起源於Ivatan語的「Idi」或「Idian」,意思為「家鄉」。漸漸的,這裡開始有了部落政府,領袖為酋長,負責代為處理內部大小事務。當時各部落間時常發生戰爭,但因為女人在戰爭期間為主要食物提供者,所以只有男人才會被殺害。

1687年,一群由威廉丹皮爾所率領的英國海盜,繼荷蘭人之後,來到了這裡,並將Batane、Ityabat、Sabtang島分別命名為「Grafton島」、「Orange島」、「Monmouth島」,以紀念它們的國君Henry FitzRoy(1st Duke of Grafton)、William of Orange、Duke of Monmouth,不過他並沒有將這裡納入大英帝國國土。


1782年,西班牙總督Jose Basco y Vargas 有意將巴丹收為西班牙王國的版圖,這使得島上居民的態度呈現兩極,最後,1783年6月26日,在首領代表和當地貴族的同意之下,巴丹正式被西班牙帝國併吞,但當地的Ivatan仍可住在它們山上的住所。不久,Jose Basco y Vargas被封為「征服巴丹的伯爵」,今日首府Basco也是因他而命名。到了1790年,統治者Guerrero限制Ivatan人只能居住於低地,以增加稅收,並建立了Basco、Ivana2個城鎮,而Itbayat島則要等到1850年 才有城鎮的建立。Ivatan人漸漸的穿起了菲律賓本土的服飾,伴隨這大批Ilocano人的移入。石灰石開鑿技術也在西班牙的指導下傳遍了全島,使得橋樑更加的堅固穩重,有些甚至至今還存留在Ivana和Mahatao。之後,許多Ivatan人在馬尼拉加入了一個名為「卡的普南」的反西班牙組織,它們殺了總督Fortea並宣示要完全廢除所有的法規。


Batanes (Ivatan: Probinsya nu Batanes; Ilocano: Probinsya ti Batanes; Filipino: Lalawigan ng Batanes) is an archipelago province in the Philippines situated in the Cagayan Valley region. It is the northernmost province in the country, and also the smallest, both in population and land area. Its capital is Basco located in the island of Batan.

The island group is located approximately 162 kilometres (101 mi) north of the Luzon mainland and about 190 kilometres (120 miles) south of Taiwan, separated from the Babuyan Islands of Cagayan Province by the Balintang Channel, and from Taiwan by the Bashi Channel.

Country Philippines
Region Cagayan Valley (Region II)
Founded 1909
Capital Basco
• Type Sangguniang Panlalawigan
• Governor Marilou Cayco (Liberal)
• Vice Governor Ronald Aguto (Independent)
• Total 219.01 km2 (84.56 sq mi)
Area rank 81st out of 81
Population (2015 census)[2]
• Total 17,246
• Rank 81st out of 81
• Density 79/km2 (200/sq mi)
• Density rank 73rd out of 81

ZIP code 3900–3905
IDD : area code  +63 (0)78
ISO 3166 code PH-BTN
Spoken languages
Ivatan Itbayaten Ilocano Isamurongen Tagalog English

Because of their strategic location, the islands was one of the first points occupied by invading Japanese imperial forces at the outbreak of the Pacific War. The morning of December 8, 1941, the Batan Task Force from Taiwan landed on the Batan Islands, which became the first American territory occupied by the Japanese. The purpose of the invasion was to secure the existing small airfield outside Basco, which was accomplished without resistance. Japanese fighters from Basco took part in the raid on Clark Air Base the following day. However, over the next several days, the success of the Japanese bombing of Clark Field rendered a base at Basco unnecessary, and on December 10, 1941, the naval combat force was withdrawn to participate in the invasion of Camiguin.[4]

One of the first School Superintendents on Batan was Victor de Padua, an Ilocano, who in 1942-45 during the Japanese occupation was made Provincial Governor.

Early in 1945 the island was liberated by the Philippine Commonwealth forces of the 1st and 12th Infantry Division of the Philippine Commonwealth Army.[citation needed]

On July 23, 2007, a magnitude-5.2 quake rocked Batanes, but no damage or casualties were immediately reported. The United States Geological Service said the quake was recorded at about 10:58 a.m., with the epicenter at 40 km south of Basco town in Batanes, about 250 km northeast of Laoag, Ilocos Norte; or 560 km south of Taipei, Taiwan.[5]

On June 1, 2008, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the seabed off the coast of Batanes, but no injuries or damage was reported.[6]


Basco is accessible by air from Manila via Basco Airport. It is served by PAL Express and SkyJet, and via Tuguegarao, Cagayan by Regional Airlines like NorthSky Air and Air Republic. (As of January 2013)

Basco has a tropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification Af), with slightly cooler temperatures especially during the winter months due to its northerly location compared to other cities down south such as Laoag or Manila. Unlike these two cities whose hottest months are April and May, Basco experiences its warmest temperature during the months of June and July, similar to Taiwan.

再提起巴丹,美國第七艦隊不願放棄他們美國海軍在1900年就搶奪自西班牙海軍的戰利品,In 1783, the Spanish claimed Batanes as part of the Philippines under the auspices of Governor-General José Basco y Vargas. The Bashi Channel was increasingly used by English East India Company ships and the Spanish authorities brought the islands under their direct administration to prevent them falling under British control.[3] However, the Ivatan remained on their idjangs, or mountain fortresses. In 1790, Governor Guerrero [clarification needed] decreed that Ivatans were to leave their idjang and to live in the lowlands, thereby giving them more people to tax. Basco and Ivana were the first towns. Mahatao was then administered by Basco, while Uyugan and Sabtang, by Ivana. Itbayat was not organized until the 1850s, its coast being a ridge. Ivatans were ordered to dress like the other Filipinos, and it didn t take them long to adapt. Soon, Ilocanos were being put in the islands, so as to control the native population there. Limestone technology used by the Spanish also spread to the islands, so that their bridges became strong and fortified. Some of these bridges still remain at Ivana and Mahatao. By 1890, many Ivatans were in Manila, and became ilustrados, who then brought home with them the revolutionary ideas of the Katipunan. These Ivatans, who were then discontented with Spanish rule, killed the ruling General Fortea and declared the end of Spanish rule.

Toward the end of the Spanish regime, Batanes was made a part of Cagayan. In 1909, the American authorities organized it into an independent province. During the American colonial period, public schools were constructed and more Ivatan became aware of their place in the Philippines. In 1920, the first wireless telegraph was installed, followed by an airfield in 1930. Roads were constructed and the Batanes High School was instituted.

Illustration of the arrangement of the human remains in a typical boat shaped grave during ancient times.
Because of their strategic location, the islands was one of the first points occupied by invading Japanese imperial forces at the outbreak of the Pacific War. The morning of December 8, 1941, the Batan Task Force from Taiwan landed on the Batan Islands, which became the first American territory occupied by the Japanese.


China s Air Force Revisits the Bashi Channel. Here s Why That Matters
The Bashi Channel is seldom discussed, but bears great strategic relevance for the People’s Liberation Army.

IMG_7278 (4)
By Ankit Panda
September 13, 2016

China’s air force held exercises on Monday in the Bashi Channel, the waterway connecting the South China Sea with the western Pacific Ocean, between Taiwan and the Philippines’ northernmost island of Luzon. Chinese People’s Liberation Army-Air Force (PLAAF) “bombers, fighters, and early warning and aerial refueling aircraft” flew through the channel on Monday, according to a Reuters report, citing a post on the PLAAF’s official microblog account.

“This move is to raise the air force’s abilities via training, to meet the needs to maintaining national sovereignty, protecting national security and guaranteeing peaceful development,” the PLAAF noted in a statement posted online, translated by Reuters. “This is common practice for the air forces of littoral states, and a normal need for China national defense and military building,” it added.

Chinese exercises in the Bashi Channel appear to be turning into a regular occurrence. As I discussed last year, the PLAAF held its first exercise in the airspace over the channel. Colonel Shen Jinke, a PLAAF spokesperson, said at the time, that “Training in the airspace far from China is an effective way for the PLA Air Force to temper its combat capability and also a common practice of world powers’ air forces.” As I’d explained at the time, the PLAAF’s growing interest in the Bashi Channel is evidence of the Chinese armed forces’ increased focus on far sea and expeditionary operations.

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The Bashi Channel in particular is a strategically pivotal waterway, marking the rim of what Asian security analysts call the first island chain–the chain of major archipelagos running down the eastern Asian frontier, beginning with the Kuril Islands off the coast of Hokkaido in Japan all the way south to the Philippines and Borneo.

The channel’s proximity to both the disputed waters of the East and South China Seas, as well as Taiwan and the Philippines, means that Beijing has a strong interest in ensuring that its military is comfortable operating in the area. A conflict with Taiwan remains at the top of Chinese strategic planning and, while Beijing’s offensive would mostly play out across the Taiwan Strait, securing the Bashi Channel would be critical to denying intervention by third parties, including U.S. forces based in the Philippines.

For China, familiarizing its military with operations both along and beyond the first island chain are an increasing strategic priority. The first island chain’s importance in the People’s Liberation Army’s strategic thinking grew starting in the 1980s, under the strategic tutelage of former PLA Navy commander and Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Liu Huaqing.

Unsurprisingly, the PLAN has taken the lead in the Bashi Channel. Last year, in July, the PLAN held a major drill in the area, simulating real combat conditions. “Going forward, similar drills and exercises will keep taking place,” noted Liang Yang, a spokesperson for the PLAN, at the time.

The Bashi Channel additionally bears relevance for the PLAN in China’s ongoing dispute with Japan in the East China Sea. In April 2013, a Chinese Type 054A frigate and Type 052C destroyer transited the Bashi Channel after returning from a deployment to the Philippine Sea. That transit came during a time of particularly heightened tensions between China and Japan over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea. Accordingly, the two vessels traveled north and transited the Miyako Channel westward, near the disputed islands.

中國空軍回訪巴士海峽。 這也是為什麼這一點很重要


中國空軍在巴士海峽,水道與西太平洋連接中國南海舉行演習星期一,台灣和菲律賓的呂宋島北端的島嶼之間。 中國解放軍-空軍(PLAAF)“轟炸機,戰鬥機,預警和空中加油機”在週一通過通 ​​道飛去, 根據路透社的報導 ,稱對中國空軍的官方微博賬號後。

“這一舉措是通過培訓,提高空軍的能力,以滿足需求,維護國家主權,維護國家安全和保障和平發展”的中國空軍在網上發布一份聲明, 路透社翻譯說。“這是常見的做法沿岸國的空中力量,並為中國國防和軍隊建設需要正常的,“它補充說。

在巴士海峽中國演習似乎變成了一個經常發生。 正如我去年所討論的, 中國空軍在領空通道舉行了第一次練習 。 上校沉金科,一個空軍發言人當時說,“在離中國很遠的空域訓練是解放軍空軍的有效途徑,以緩和其作戰能力也世界大國”的空中力量的一種常見的做法。“ 作為當時我想解釋的 ,中國空軍在巴士海峽越來越大的興趣是中國軍隊的日益重視遠海遠征行動的證據。


該頻道的這兩個東部和南部中國海域,以及台灣和菲律賓的爭議海域附近,這意味著北京在確保其軍事舒適在該地區活動的強烈興趣。 與台灣衝突保持在前中國的戰略規劃,雖然北京的進攻將主要發揮出海峽兩岸,確保巴士海峽將拒絕通過第三方,包括總部設在菲律賓的美軍干預的關鍵。

對於中國來說,熟悉其軍事與兩個一起超越第一島鏈操作增加戰略重點。 在人民解放軍的戰略思想的第一島鏈的重要增長在20世紀80年代開始,前中國人民解放軍海軍司令員,中央軍委副主席劉華清的戰略指導下。

不出所料,中國海軍邁出了巴士海峽的領先地位。 去年,7月份,該計劃在該地區舉行重大演練 ,模擬實戰的條件。 “展望未來,類似的演練和演習將繼續發生,指出:”楊亮, 該計劃的發言人,在當時 。

巴士海峽還承擔著相關性,為在中國與日本在東中國海爭議正在進行這項計劃。 在2013年4月, 中國的054A型護衛艦和052C型導彈驅逐艦過境巴士海峽從部署到菲律賓海回國後。 期間,對有爭議的尖閣/釣魚島在中國東海中國與日本之間特別緊張局勢加劇的時候過境來了。 因此,兩艘船隻前往北部和運輸的宮古海峽向西,有爭議的島嶼附近
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2017-0108 聯合報 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 菲律賓對美國中國政策投下炸彈
時間:2016-09-15 15:51
他, 63歲,新竹市,待業中
